Have you ever had a burning feeling inside you that you just had to address? An itch deep down that you were compelled to scratch? A fire you couldn't put out?
Well, it would be way too obvious to suggest you had a sexually transmitted disease and that you needed to seek medical attention immediately and not the advice of a blogger, but HA! You probably have gonorrhea.
No. Since few of you are having sex anyways, you might instead just have some curiosity about health and nutrition that perhaps you were embarrassed to discuss with your physician, your priest, your spouse, or any of the other few hundred other qualified people you know that you should go to first. If in fact you are here with a burning question, then we at Fat Chat would like to provide a forum to air your dirty laundry and poke fun at your most sensitive areas... and not in the good way. Ewww.
Actually, when someone tries to lose weight they often keep most of their activities to themselves. No one likes to go around constantly announcing their particular efforts and sacrifices. Results, sure, but no one trumpets details of the struggle like how chaffed their inner thighs get during brisk walks. OMG no one wants to hear that.
So dieters end up becoming somewhat isolated in what, to them, is an undertaking of life-altering proportions. The inward focus has the unwanted effect of divorcing them from others who might have shared experiences and making all the unusual things that accompany diet and exercise seem like gross abnormalities. That is to say, because a fat person doesn't talk about it with other fat people, they start to think they are the only ones who have red, swollen thighs that smell vaguely like bacon after each jog.
And that is simply not the case. I mean, raise your chubby hand if you HAVEN'T felt your thighs rub together.
That's what I thought.
So for anyone with a question about dieting or an observation about anything that changes during the process of weight loss, please contact us here at Fat Chat. We will, without in any way attempting to give medical advice, try and answer questions about fat loss and weight loss programs. We will publish, without names, any interesting stories, successful or just funny, that can cast some light on losing weight and remind you all that you are all in it together.
Just not me, because I'm hott and gonorrhea free!