Now that you've apologized, we can get on with setting a baseline.
I am currently a very svelte and muscular 220.5 pounds and change (we can believe in). And when I say "svelte", I mean "rotund". "Muscular" is also a very liberal definition unless it has recently come to mean "weaker than a new-born faun". But naturally age and some modest (for a hibernating grizzly) weight gain hasn't detracted from my overwhelming natural charm.
If by "charm" you mean "light nervous sweat odor".
But why get caught up in definitions? Is this a wiki? No, this blog is a place to find out what works and what doesn't in weight loss.
Sadly, I only know about the "what doesn't".
Oh well. That still has some value, especially when I tell you NEVER TO EVER TAKE ALLI PILLS EVER IN YOUR LIFE.
I could say why, but my mother told me not to talk about diet pills that make you mildly incontinent... in public... at work... TWICE.
You have been warned.