I was lying on my humpty today...watching HGTV and thinking impure thoughts about Carter Oosterhouse when I realized that other than work, I haven't accomplished much of anything for the past couple of weeks. I think I am in a sort of psychological pit stop, just trying to make it through the holidays in a few small pieces, rather than shattering into bits of dust.
I have big plans for next week, though. I will start my new exercise regimen then, a little walking, a little resistance training, a little stretching and flexing and some breathing exercises, as well. I am trying to finish one book and outline another one, plus I am trying to convince one of my publishers to let me update one of my medical books. I am determined that 2008 is going to be a good year, and equally determined to do every thing in my power to make it so.
Slowly I feel myself coming back to life, feel energy and the desire to succeed and excel percolating into my cells. It's just the tonic I need. I have been in a month-long coma, but then, it's that way every Christmas. This year just turned out worse than usual.
I am particularly encouraged about my new exercise plan since I did such a good job of sticking to the 90-Day Fitness Walking Program. That showed me I can stay with and complete a program, which was a big unknown when I started. I only hope my results are more noteworthy this time around. I believe they will be since I am incorporating a variety of activities into the program.
I only lost five pounds over those first 90 days of walking, and have gained one pound back over the holidays...not bad considering I haven't exercised in almost three weeks now, and have been doing a bit of indulging in eggnog, pumpkin pies and such.
Then there's that going from the size XL down to the size Large pants thing. That is a major accomplishment. I don't know how I did it without really losing much weight or many inches; I guess the three months of walking just sort of toned and tightened my body all over.
I was talking about my new plan at work tonight and this cute guy told me he didn't think I needed to lose any weight, and I think he meant it, too. I am tall and big-boned, so my excess weight is pretty well distributed over my frame and of course, I dress to hide the worst of it. Still, it made me feel good when he said it. Then it made me feel a little dirty too, because I am 20 years older than he is. Kind of like I feel when I ogle Carter Oosterhouse. That guy gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "men with tools."
See what I mean? Naughty. If losing four pounds makes me feel this frisky, God protect the poor men of the world when I reach my weight loss goal.
Anyway, time to get out the WD-40 and lubricate the old synapses. Time to come out of my coma, inhale the hopeful air of a new year and prove that old adage: "Today is the first day of the rest of my life."
Happy New Year, dear readers.
Planet Fat Cat